Ancillary Services
The Ancillary services provided by Knox Private hospital fall into two categories: diagnostic and therapeutic. They aim to prevent, diagnose and treat a range of conditions and illnesses and often work within a multidisciplinary health team to provide the best patient outcomes.
Our diagnostic services include:
Echocardiology, Medical Imaging and Pathology.
Our therapeutic services include:
Wound Assessment and Treatment, Stomal Therapy, Hospital in the Home, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology.
Knox Heart Centre is our diagnostic cardiology centre where on-site investigations and testing is available in a safe hospital environment.
Our experienced team of cardiologists and cardiac technicians conduct:
A non-invasive ultrasound test used to assess the structure and function of the heart.
Treadmill Stress Echocardiogram
A non-invasive ultrasound test to assess coronary arteries by imaging the heart function at rest and immediately after exercise on the treadmill. Please allow 45 minutes for this test.
Transoesophageal Echocardiogram
A specialised test using an ultrasound probe placed in the oesophagus while under sedation, to image in the heart.
24 hr Ambulatory Holter Monitoring
A non-invasive test to monitor you heart rate and rhythm over a 24 hour period. Please allow 15 minutes to have the Holter monitor fitted. Holter monitor to be returned 24 hours after the initial appointment.
To arrange an appointment:
Contact Knox Heart Centre at
Knox Private Hospital
262 Mountain Highway Wantirna VIC 3152
Phone: 03 9210 7060
A wound that fails to respond to treatment after 28 days or is not healing as expected may significantly affect your quality of life.
Our Clinic provides treatment for acute, chronic and other non-healing wounds.
Our Multidisciplinary Team which consists of Medical Specialists, Clinical Nurse Consultants and Allied Health Practitioners utilise the latest evidence based healing techniques to achieve positive outcomes for you and your family.
Our Team have over 20 years experience offering specialist wound care, pressure offloading, compression therapy, debridement and the importance of nutrition in wound healing.
We utilise sophisticated wound care treatments and advanced clinical approaches, proven to reduce healing time.
The Wound Clinic works closely with a Stomal Therapy Nurse, and the Knox Private “Hospital in the Home” service for patients who require specialised or home nursing care.
Ultimately, the patient plays the most important role in the healing of their wound. Patients and their carers are educated to understand the healing process along with strategies to maintain healing.
What to expect
Throughout the patient’s treatment at our clinic they will receive:
- A comprehensive assessment to determine the factors affecting healing
- A wound management plan tailored to the individual using evidence-based therapies and wound products
- Recommendations regarding access to wound products
- Ongoing assessment with strategies for prevention and wound recurrence
- An ongoing wound care plan, which will be provided to patient’s GP and community nursing service
What does the Wound Clinic treat?
- Abrasions
- Leg & Foot Ulcers
- Lacerations (skin tears)
- Pressure Injuries
- Surgical Wounds
- Complex or Unusual Wounds
- Skin Tears
- Diabetic Ulcers
- Infected Wounds
- Cancerous Wounds
- Stomal Therapy
- And any other concerning wounds
Referrals and enquiries
Referrals are accepted by Medical Specialists, General Practitioners, Allied Health professionals and Nursing staff. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Funding arrangements
Fees for this service are covered by most private health insurance funds, as well as:
- Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA)
- Worksafe Victoria
Alternatively, this service can be self-funded. If you have any queries relating to fees, please speak with our reception staff.
How to arrange an assessment?
Contact the Wound Assessment & Treatment Clinic on:
Knox Private Hospital
Wound Clinic, Suite 5, 262 Mountain Highway Wantirna VIC 3152
Phone: 03 9210 7345
Fax: 03 9210 7954
Email: woundclinic.knox@healthscope.com.au
What is a stoma?
- A stoma is an artificial opening into the body created by surgery. It may be a planned or an
- Emergency procedure
- A stoma acts as an alternative exit for body wastes e.g. faeces or urine
- A stoma may be permanent or temporary
Who may have a stoma?
- Anyone from a newborn baby to the very elderly
- A stoma is usually created because of cancer, disease, congenital disorder or trauma
- A stoma should not stop people from enjoying a normal family life, social activities, sport, travel or
- business life.
What is a Stomal Therapy Nurse?
Stomal Therapy Nurses (STN) are registered nurses who have undertaken further education enabling them to provide specialised care for people undergoing surgery that involves the formation of a stoma. STN’s specialise in the management of patients with faecal and urinary diversions.
In addition, STN’s are experts in the management of difficult and draining wounds, fistulae, gastrostomies PEG Tubes) acute and chronic wounds and associated skin care.
The Stomal Therapy Nurse at Knox Private Hospital is a Member of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses.
At Knox Private Hospital, a Stomal Therapy Nurse will provide:
- Expert care and advice to patients, carers, nurses and medical staff on all aspects of stoma and fistula management
- Pre-operative and postoperative counselling for patients with a stoma
- Ongoing long term education and review
- Expert advice on acute or chronic wound management
- Diet and fluid management
- HOS (High Output Stoma)
- Hernia prevention management
- Access to Ostomy association membership
Major stoma types
- An opening into the small bowel (ileum)
- May be temporary or permanent
- Faecal waste is always a fluid to paste consistency
- Waste is collected into a drainable adhesive ostomy appliance
- An opening into the large bowel (colon)
- May be temporary or permanent
- Faecal waste is usually a soft or formed consistency
- Waste is collected into a closed adhesive ostomy appliance
Urostomy (Ileal Conduit)
- A stoma made from a section of small bowel (ileum) to divert urine from the bladder
- Always permanent
- Urine is collected into an adhesive ostomy appliance
- There is no interruption to faeces being passed normally
We can help!
People with a permanent or temporary stoma should make contact with the Knox Private Stomal Therapy Nurse if:
- You are having skin problems around the stoma
- Your pouch is not staying on
- Your stoma is changing size or shape
- Your weight is changing significantly
- You are developing a bulge around your stoma
- You are experiencing any other problems with your stoma
Referrals and enquiries
Referrals are accepted by Medical Specialists, General Practitioners, Allied Health professionals and Nursing staff. Self-referrals are also accepted.
How to arrange an assessment?
Contact the Stomal Therapy Nurse at
Knox Private Hospital
Suite 5, 262 Mountain Highway,
Wantirna VIC 3152
Phone: 03 9210 7345
Fax: 03 9210 7954
Email: stomaltherapy.knox@healthscope.com.au
Allied Health clinicians are an integral part of the healthcare team that provides support of a person’s diagnosis, recovery and quality of life.
At Knox Private Hospital, our Allied Health clinicians work within the multi-disciplinary team to ensure and increase a person’s independence, self-care and mobility. Allied Health clinicians undertake university level training in their field of expertise and are committed to life-long learning and professional development.
Our team has a strong commitment to service improvement and evidence based practice.
At Knox Private Hospital our Allied Health Team includes the professions of:
- Dietetics
- Occupational therapy (accessible via referral to the Victorian Rehabilitation Centre)
- Physiotherapy
- Social Work
- Speech Pathology
- Allied Health Assistants
The service provided by our Allied Health Team is included as part of you inpatient stay and there is no extra charge payable, this is applicable to all our wards and the emergency department.
What is Dietetics?
Dietitians provide evidence-based care and have specialized knowledge of nutrition and health throughout all stages of life. Our dietitians are available to consult on all aspects of adult nutrition, including nutrition screening, assessment of nutritional needs, recommendations for nutritional management, implementation of therapeutic diets and discharge education and planning. Diet is a key factor in helping patients maintain function or return to their previous level of function. At Knox Private Hospital, our dietitians work closely with Food Services to ensure the provision of quality, nutritional, religious and cultural requirements of our patients. Our specialist areas include:
- Intensive Care
- Cardiology
- Upper gastrointestinal and colorectal surgery
- Respiratory
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- Oncology
- Gastroenterology
- Endocrinology
- Enteral nutrition
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapists work with all members of the healthcare team to deliver care across the lifespan that includes assessment, planning and intervention. In Occupational therapy, occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life. Occupational therapists promote health and wellbeing by facilitating participation in occupations including leisure, self-care and productivity.
At Knox Private Hospital, our occupational therapists are shared from the Victorian Rehabilitation Centre. This service is available upon request by the treating team, patient and the family/carers.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapist are highly qualified professionals who work in partnership with their patients to help people get better and stay well. Using advanced techniques and evidence based care, physiotherapist access, diagnosis, treat and prevent a wide range of health conditions and movement disorders.
Physiotherapy extends from health promotion to injury prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, maintenance of functional mobility, chronic disease management, patient and carer education and occupational health.
At Knox Private Hospital our physiotherapists work across the continuum of care from the emergency department and intensive care, to general medicine and surgery, outpatient and palliative care.
What is Social Work?
Social workers at Knox Private Hospital are available to assist patients, their families and carers to help navigate the health system, and ensure that you’re social, emotional and cultural needs are met. Our social workers work alongside medical, nursing and other allied health staff as part of the multi-disciplinary team. At Knox Private Hospital our services offered include:
- Psychosocial assessment
- Crisis intervention
- Counselling
- Access to community services
- Bereavement support
- Advocacy – to help address your needs
- Information and referral liaison between hospital and community service providers
- Facilitation of alternate accommodation i.e. permanent residential care, respite, TCP
What is Speech Pathology?
Speech Pathologist are specialists in the assessment and management of communication and swallowing difficulties. They can provide specialist services for people with complex communication or swallowing needs resulting from a variety of health or developmental conditions, including stroke, progressive neurological disease, head injury, dementia, respiratory conditions, developmental disorders and craniofacial anomalies.
Communication, cognitive and swallowing difficulties can impact a person’s ability to participate in everyday life. Our Speech Pathologists are committed to working with people and their families, carers and friends to:
- Diagnose the type of communication and swallowing difficulty
- Work with other health professionals to diagnose cognition difficulties
- Provide advice and support
- Set goals that are important and relevant to each individual and their situation, such as returning to work, living independently, communicating with family and friends, and/or safely and comfortably eating a meal
- Provide therapy to support the communication, cognitive or swallowing skills required to reach these goals
- What are Allied Health Assistants?
Allied Health Assistants work under the direct supervision of health care professionals to provide therapeutic and program-related support in a variety of assistant roles such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology and dietetics. At Knox Private Hospital, our Allied Health Assistants work together with our multi-disciplinary teams to assist patients in achieving their therapy goals.
Lumus Imaging is located on-site at Knox Private Hospital and perform thousands of scans each year for in-patients and out-patients.
The services that are offered on-site at Knox Private Hospital include:
- X-Ray
- Ultrasound Biopsy
- Ultrasound
- Cardiac CT
- Spinal/Joint Injections
- CT
- Fluoroscopic Screening
- Angiography
- Dental X-Ray (OPG)
- 3D-Breast Tomosynthesis
- Nuclear Medicine
Opening Hours
- Monday-Friday: 8:00am -6:00pm
- Saturday: 9:00am -12:00pm (closed from 12pm onwards)
- Sunday: 9:00am -12:00pm (closed from 12pm onwards)
Extended Hours: MRI Only
MRI available 7 Days a week, contact site for latest information, as extended hours vary
Public Holidays: 9:00am -9:00pm
LumusImaging Knox Private Hospital
262 Mountain Highway Wantirna 3152
Phone: (03) 92107100 | Fax: (03) 92107110
Knox Private Hospital offers comprehensive care through a service provided in the comfort of your own home.
Hospital in the Home is a program offering patients the opportunity to continue their care at home with the approval of their specialist. Knox Private Hospital is able to provide you with a flexible care plan, designed to suit your needs at home.
As a patient under the care of the Hospital in the Home team, you will remain a patient of Knox Private Hospital and under the care of your treating doctor.
Hospital in the Home is an alternative to inpatient care and is suitable for a limited group of patients.
What Assistance Is Available?
Care directed by your specialist including:
- Intravenous Antibiotics
- Nursing / Clinical Care (limited)
- Advanced Wound Management
- Allied Health Services (limited)
- Enables you to return to your normal routine within the home setting.
- Provides you with an opportunity to receive care directed by your specialist in your home environment.
- Ensures you maintain confidence and independence.
- Ensures you have appropriate and adequate support during recovery.
- Provides a flexible service to meet your needs.
- Reduces your risk of re-admission to hospital.
- Our staff include wound care specialists, continence advisors, stomal therapists, palliative care and plastic surgery specialists.
Who is Eligible?
Your medical specialist is able to recommend you to the program if you are a member of a participating Health Fund and you are in a stable medical condition.
How Does Hospital in the Home Work?
Whilst you are in hospital, in consultation with you and your carer, your medical specialist and the nursing staff, your suitability to participate in the program will be assessed.
Your individual care requirements are planned with you, together with your specialist and hospital staff.
A Hospital in the Home nurse will phone you between 8.30 and 9.30 am to arrange a time to visit you at home, on that day.
You will be visited daily by a by a Knox Private Hospital nurse who is easily identifiable, wearing hospital uniform and identification badge.
Your specialist is responsible for discharging you from the Hospital in the Home program.
Once you are a patient with Hospital in the Home you will have access to the Hospital in the Home phone service 24 hours a day, if you have any queries or concerns.
For further information about Knox Private ‘Hospital in the Home’ program please call:
Phone: 03 9210 7393 or 03 9210 7489
To contact Hospital in the Home after hours please call 03 9210 7000 and ask to speak to the Hospital Coordinator.
The Knox Diabetes Education team provides extensive specialist inpatient and outpatient services for people living with or affected by diabetes; including pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
What does Knox Private Hospital Diabetes Clinic provide?
- Individually based inpatient and outpatient diabetes education services
- Support for self-management of diabetes
- Health promotion and behaviour modification advice
- Evidence based information and resources
Who can access our services?
- Patients admitted at Knox Private Hospital, Ringwood Private Hospital, and The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre.
- Patients who have been referred by their General Practitioner or Specialist.
- Patients who self-refer.
- Family members and carers who would like to learn more about how to support their relative in managing their diabetes.
Inpatient diabetes service
Our skilled and professionally qualified diabetes educators’ work in collaboration with you, your family members/carers, medical staff, nursing staff and other allied healthcare professionals to ensure your diabetes needs are being met both during your hospital stay and in preparation for discharge home.
A diabetes educator can support you to understand and manage your diabetes medicines safely, monitor and interpret blood glucose levels and provide a clear plan for managing diabetes after discharge from hospital.
If you would like to see a diabetes educator during your hospital stay, please ask the nursing staff to refer you to the Diabetes Education Service.
Outpatient diabetes service
Diabetes education is available for individual consultation on all aspects of diabetes management.
A medical referral is not required to access most diabetes education services. A general practitioner referral (using an Enhanced Care Plan) may assist in alleviating consultation costs if not covered by your private health fund.
Knox Private Hospital’s Diabetes Clinic offers education for:
- Insulin commencement and stabilisation
- Blood glucose monitoring
- Continuous glucose monitoring training
- Insulin pump commencement & stabilisation
- Flash glucose monitoring
- Diabetes in pregnancy
- General diabetes
- Patients needing follow up after having left hospital.
Special referral requirements
Please note that a referral from a doctor is required for the following services:
- Ambulatory insulin stabilisation
- Insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring
Contact Knox Private Hospital’s Diabetes Clinic
Outpatient consultation times are available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Appointments can be made by contacting Knox Private Hospital Consulting Suites on:
P 03 9210 7300
F 03 9210 7301
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