General information
At Knox Private Hospital, our patient’s care and comfort is of paramount importance.
Our aim is to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible and to assist in every way we can with your care and treatment.
We pride ourselves on our reputation for professionalism, friendly caring approach and for providing Exceptional care, to every patient, every time.
Knox Private supports Patient Centered Care which encourages active involvement of patients and their families in the decision making of treatments and planning of care.
We are aware that consumers today demand a high standard of health care and we are proud that Knox Private Hospital is fully accredited by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (NSQHS). Hospitals are measured across 8 National Standards and Knox Private Hospital has achieved and maintained all standards.
Admission or access to any of the services offered at Knox Private Hospital is available via referral.
Your local GP, physician, surgeon or allied health professional will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a private specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can arrange your admission or enrolment into a program.
During your stay you will be under the direct care of this private specialist who will from time to time be assisted by other accredited private specialists or hospital staff.
Once your admission has been arranged you will required to register through our Patient eAdmissions Registration.
Alternatively, you may be given an admission pack to be manually completed and returned to the hospital at least 48 hours prior to your admission, where possible.
The staff of our pre-admission clinic will contact you prior to your admission to discuss your procedure, your arrival time, items to bring with you and fasting requirements. They will also answer any questions you may have about your stay.
We advise that you write down any questions you may have in advance and that you also document any useful information you receive regarding your procedure or stay in hospital.
In some instances, your doctor will book you in at short notice. In this instance we ask that you contact the pre-admission clinic, confirming your admission and details prior to your stay.
Please find below contact details and useful numbers:
Patient registration
Contact 03 9210 7257
Hours of operation: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
Day procedures
Contact nursing pre-admission clinic on 03 9210 7237.
Hours of operation: 9.00am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday
Procedures requiring an overnight stay
Contact pre-admission clinic on 03 9210 7924.
Hours of operation: 8.30am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday
All other enquiries
Contact front office on 03 9210 7000.
Knox Private Orthopaedic pre-admission education is designed to help inform our patients and prepare them for their upcoming hip or knee surgery.
The Orthopaedic Pre-admission education toolkit includes a series of four short educational videos, a hip replacement booklet and knee replacement booklet that answers frequently asked questions and holds essential pre-operative information and post-operative information, including exercises for when patients leave hospital.
Upon arrival, please visit the Admissions area, where the admission process will be finalised. Admissions is via the main entrance.
Our friendly concierge will direct you to where you need to go throughout the hospital.
Please ensure you arrive on time.
Knox Private Hospital offers a range of shared and private rooms. Every effort is made to accommodate you in the room of your choice. If your preference was not available on admission, your request will be recorded and allocated when possible.
Rooms include:
- En-suite bathrooms
- Nurse call handset at each bed
- Personal televisions
- Direct dial bedside phones
- Free local calls
Electrical Appliances
For safety reasons, all electrical appliances brought into hospital require safety testing by the maintenance team, prior to them being used within the hospital.
Knox Private Hospital catering offer a selection of appetising meals, providing the appropriate nourishment to aid recovery.
Special dietary requests can be met if required and a dietician is available upon referral from your doctor.
Our Day Procedure Centre contributes to the provision of support and expert care to patients who are undergoing a wide variety of minor surgical or medical procedures or diagnostic tests.
The Day Procedure Centre is specifically for patients who do not require an extended stay in our hospital, usually enabling them to return home shortly after their procedure.
Discharge time from hospital is between 9.00am and 9.30am.
Please arrange for your carer to collect you by 9.30am. Alternatively, reception staff can arrange a taxi for you if required. As all of our patients are elective patients, it is very likely that your bed has been booked for another patient. Adherence to discharge times is critical.
Before you leave hospital , make sure that you or your relatives/friends:
It is important that you report to reception before leaving the hospital to ensure that you are discharged from our system and to finalise your account. In the majority of cases the hospital will claim directly to your health fund. You will be required to pay any amounts not covered by your health insurance fund and for claims that are rejected by health funds, at the time of discharge.
Transport Home
For the first 24 hours after any procedure it is important that you:
We advise that you should be in the company of a responsible adult for 24 hours after a procedure and you must have somebody escort you home from the hospital.
Your safety is of paramount importance to us therefore we ask that you take some simple measures to assist us.
As this is a very personal and individual consideration, Knox Private Hospital encourages you to advise staff of any requirements you may have.
We can arrange for your preferred pastoral visitor to visit you at your request in the hospital.
Please discuss you requirement with the Unit Manager of your ward.
At the end of your stay with us you are required to see a discharge clerk on the Ground Floor to finalise any outstanding fees that may have incurred during your stay.
Please note that medical, allied health, radiology, pathology and pharmacy will be billed separately by the relevant provider, after your stay.
Hospital Fees
Knox Private Hospital has agreements with most major Health Funds. Patients with overseas policies will need to confirm eligibility and costs prior to admission.
Please ensure that you understand your responsibility for any costs you may incur.
It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of your level of insurance cover including pre-existing conditions and exclusions.
On admission you are required to settle all co-payments and health fund excess.
For insured patients we will claim Hospital Benefits on your behalf.
The balance of all accounts is payable before you leave the hospital. EFTPOS, Visa and MasterCard facilities are available.
Hospital Staff at the front office are available to discuss the hospital fee structure and patient accounts. They can be contacted on extension 7044 on Monday to Sunday from 8.00am to 8.00pm.
An estimate of your hospital expenses will be provided to you prior to admission.
Please note that it is only possible to provide an estimate of the eventual hospital costs, as the surgical or medical services may change during the patient’s stay following further examination. The extent of these changes depends on the type of procedure and the services provided to the patient during their stay and the level of insurance cover they have.
Methods of payment accepted are credit card (fees apply), EFTPOS and cash only.
Knox Private Hospital does not accept personal cheques as payment.
Patient with Private Health Insurance
Knox Private Hospital is recognised by all major health funds. Please discuss your hospitalisation with your health fund if you are in any doubt as to what benefits may apply, or ask to speak to admissions or discharge clerk. If you have health insurance, it is important for you to check the following with your health insurance fund:
You should also contact your health fund if:
You will receive separate invoices for these services:
Patients with Worker’s Compensation or Motor Accident Insurance Cover
It is the patient’s responsibility to provide details of their claim and approval to their doctor prior to a booking being made.
You also need to ensure that the hospital is supplied with a letter from the respective body accepting liability for your admission.
If you do not supply the hospital with proof that the claim has been accepted by the relevant third party, full payment will be required at the time of your admission.
Work Cover and TAC patients are only covered for hospitalisation in shared accommodation.
In the interests of healthcare and patient comfort, smoking is not permitted anywhere in the hospital building or grounds.
Knox Private Hospital is committed to providing a safe, healthy environment for patients, visitors, doctors and staff.
Knox Private Hospital is totally smoke free which means that smoking is not be permitted in any building or outdoor area within the boundaries of any hospital campus and there are no areas designated for smoking. It is expected that all patients, visitors, staff, contractors and tenants respect and comply with Knox Private Hospital’s smoke free policy by not smoking while on the premises.
Why is Knox Private Hospital smoke free?
Knox Private Hospital has a DVA Liaison Officer on staff.
If you are a DVA patient and have any enquiries regarding your hospital care, please notify your nurse.
Arrangements can then be made for our DVA Liaison Officer to speak with you.
Knox Private Hospital has been awarded Preferred Provider (Tier 1) status for most procedures. Gold Card DVA patients will be admitted without an estimate of a patient’s hospital expenses.
Please bring the following paperwork with you for admission:
Please bring the following personal items for your stay:
* Refer to Falls Prevention above
Please leave all jewellery and valuables at home. Knox Private Hospital does not take responsibility for personal items.